## New features - Add SPECT support for GATE tools (root output only) - '-sens-histo' option that allows to compute the global sensitivity from a histogram datafile - Add option to specify rotation direction (clockwise/counterclockwise) for PET scanner geometry generation - Acf estimation in GATE tools : Add option to select the projector for analytic projection - Add a .geom scanner example for PET in config/scanner (PET_GE_GATE.geom) ## Bug corrections, code changes, that can affect the results in some way - Changes in Joseph projector to manage more accurately limit conditions at the borders of the image. This affect the projector to a small degree, but which can be significant when testing the PET histogram benchmark. - MPI management bug correction after the sensitivity generation that prevented from proceeding to the reconstruction. - Bug fix when more threads than events are used (the code was stuck in an infinite loop before that). ## Small bug fixes - Fix several errors in GATE conversion tools (calculation of several variables and rotation management) - Fix attenuation image in spect benchmark (incorrect mu values) - Fix return value of GetGATESystemType() if mac file was not found - Fix transaxial voxel number and field of view default in PET_CASTOR_BENCHMARK.hscan header file - Fix decay calculation for isotope with large half-life (i.e Ge-68)